Drs. Kunkun Sudaryat, MHRM

About This Trainer

  • Kunkun Sudaryat is a Senior Associate Consultant of PT Fritmandiri Utama.
  • He has over 30 years working experience as Human Resource Practitioner in oil & gas company and multinational companies, with expertise in Human Resource Structure Processes, Organizational Development, Manpower Planning, Recruitment & Selection, Staffing, Job Analysis & Organizational Design, Career Planning & Development, Succession Planning, Performance Management, and Training & Development.
  • Training topics that he regularly delivers are motivation, communication skills, coaching & counseling, leadership, performance management system, personal development, and HR development.
  • He holds Master Degree in Human Resources & Organization Behavior from Duquesne University (Pittsburgh, USA) and Diploma in Human Resources from Ateneo De Manila University (Philippine).


human resource, performance management, problem solving


"Very good & mind blowing workshop. I hope I can implement this in my daily life."

Problem Solving & Decision Making
Siloam Hospitals Group

"Program ini sangat bermanfaat karena dapat memahami Bahasa Inggris dengan lebih mudah dan sederhana"

English for 7.5 Hours
PT Pertamina (Persero)

Program ini sangat baik untuk mengetahui sisi human resources sehingga mampu untuk mengembangkan diri dan team

HR Management for Non HR Managers
PT Apexindo Pratama Putra Tbk

"Saya sangat beruntung ada program training seperti ini, karena sebelumnya jarang sekali mengikuti training seperti ini. Dan saya berharap bisa mengikuti training lainnya yang dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan tentang management"

Project Management
PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk

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