About This Trainer
- Kamsani Palali is a Senior Associate Trainer of PT Fritmandiri Utama. He specializes in personal effectiveness and management programs, and has developed and delivered programs in the areas of Time Management, Supervisory Management, Teambuilding, Train-The-Trainer, Inter-Personal Relationship, Communication Skills, Customer Service and Presentation Skills.
- Kamsani was also an Associate Consultant of Kepner-Tregoe (USA). He was certified Kepner-Tregoe Trainer for the following programs: Problem Solving and Decision Making workshop, Project Management workshop, and Analytical Trouble Shooting workshop. He conducted these programs in India, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Indonesia, for organizations such as Volex, Sun Microsystems, Procter & Gamble, Kowloon Canton Railway (KCRC), Hong Kong Jockey Club, BAT, Multi Bintang, Nestle, Unilever, Siloam Hospitals Group, among others.
- In 2005, he joined the PSB Academy and formed part of a team of consultants who provide expertise internationally, mainly in Indonesia. He played key roles in designing, developing and delivering “Building A Competitive Mindset” and “Global Leadership” programs for TELKOMSEL Indonesia. He was also given the task to design and deliver “Developing Superior Service” program for GARUDA Indonesia. Other companies in Indonesia that has benefitted from his training include Media Indonesia, PT Arjuna, Goodway Hotel and Batamec Shipyard.
- In November 2005, Kamsani successfully delivered the “Management Leadership” and “Time Management & Work Life Balance” programs for the Executives of the United Nation Development Program (UNDP) in Tehran, Iran.
- Kamsani is currently doing training and consulting both in Singapore and Indonesia. His strengths in communicating serves him well in relating and interacting with people from various levels. This enables him to deliver workshops with relevant examples, which his participants are able to identify with. His learner-centred approach coupled with his easy-going style, has made learning an enjoyable experience for the participants of his workshops.
"Very good & mind blowing workshop. I hope I can implement this in my daily life."
Problem Solving & Decision Making
Siloam Hospitals Group
"Program ini sangat bermanfaat karena dapat memahami Bahasa Inggris dengan lebih mudah dan sederhana"
English for 7.5 Hours
PT Pertamina (Persero)
Program ini sangat baik untuk mengetahui sisi human resources sehingga mampu untuk mengembangkan diri dan team
HR Management for Non HR Managers
PT Apexindo Pratama Putra Tbk
"Saya sangat beruntung ada program training seperti ini, karena sebelumnya jarang sekali mengikuti training seperti ini. Dan saya berharap bisa mengikuti training lainnya yang dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan tentang management"
Project Management
PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk