About This Trainer
Marina is Associate Consultant of OFFICE PROFESSIONAL INSTITUTE (OPI). Being a Certified Professional Secretary, she is very well-experienced in the field of secretarial development. Marina has conducted an array of various in-house programs for secretaries and administrative assistants for several big corporates, among them are: Unilever, Citibank, Jakarta International School, PLN, Lippo Bank (prior to the merger of Lippo-Niaga), RAPP (Riau Andalas Paper & Pulp), British Red Cross Aceh, Bank CIMB Niaga as well as public trainings. With a vast experience of more than 27 years in various positions as Secretary, HRD Officer, and Training Officer, Marina has many practical tips to share so that the secretary and/or Administrative Assistant can be more professional in her own field.
Other Training
"Very good & mind blowing workshop. I hope I can implement this in my daily life."
"Program ini sangat bermanfaat karena dapat memahami Bahasa Inggris dengan lebih mudah dan sederhana"
Program ini sangat baik untuk mengetahui sisi human resources sehingga mampu untuk mengembangkan diri dan team
"Saya sangat beruntung ada program training seperti ini, karena sebelumnya jarang sekali mengikuti training seperti ini. Dan saya berharap bisa mengikuti training lainnya yang dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan tentang management"