International Certification – IADC WellSHARP Drilling (Supervisor Level)

About This Event

At the Introductory Level, WellCAP provides basic well control knowledge for floorhands, derrick workers and non-technical personnel. The Fundamental and Supervisory Levels address practical well control skills for derrick workers, assistant drillers, drillers, toolpushers, superintendents and drilling foremen.

WellCAP requires adherence to a core curriculum as well as both written and simulator testing.


  • Operators and drilling contractors can be confident that their rig crews have undergone suitable instruction, resulting in an internationally recognized training certificate. They are also able to reduce costs previously caused by duplicate training and have access to training documentation and records.
  • Governments and regulatory bodies benefit from measurable standards, the establishment of core curriculum and job skill guidelines, and an industry-administered program of self regulation.
    The training provider obtains recognition by meeting industry-developed benchmark standards for quality and training
  • The training provider obtains recognition by meeting industry-developed benchmark standards for quality and training
  • The industry overall has access to continuously-updated curriculum guidelines for a variety of rig operations. Curriculum has been developed for drilling, workover and completion, well servicing, coiled tubing, snubbing, wireline operations and underbalanced operations


  • Bahasa Indonesia

For more information, download the following brochure:

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22 Aug, 2016 to 26 Aug, 2016

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Jakarta, Indonesia

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