Problem Solving & Decision Making

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MAKING  3  D A Y S  P O W E R F U L  W O R K S H O P


W E  O F T E N   H E A R . .

“I thought I solved that problem 2 days ago. Why is it here again?”

“My team is having difficulty agreeing on certain terms to use in our discussion. It is taking too much time. How can I make this meeting more productive?”

“We had an understanding to implement a decision after our meeting. But we didn’t get to do this because an experienced member of the team insist in doing something he has always been doing to solve similar problems.”


As managers, leaders and team members,
we are responsible in making our processes
as effective and efficient as possible.
This course will provide you
a logical process of solving problems and
making decisions, which would help
sharpens your own current process and
leading you to becoming a more effective
problem solver.

W H A T  Y O U  W I L L  L E A R N  I S . .
T O  S T R U C T U R E  Y O U R  T H I N K I N G  P R O C E S S !

      • Systematically analyze a target problem by cutting large problem into manageable pieces to enable us to prioritize.
      • Identify the possible root causes of the problem before investing in corrective actions.
      • Anticipate and prepare preventive actions to minimize risks on your business plans.
      • Present your ideas clearly and concisely for maximum shareholder buy-in.

For more information, download the following brochure:

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28 Sep, 2020 to 30 Sep, 2020

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